What’s special about an archeological site that has two massive rock temples? Rich history grips around Abu Simbel. Situated in southern Egypt, the construction of this temple complex lasted for twenty years during the reign of Pharaoh Ramses in 13th Century BC.
If you are wondering what’s the main purpose of building two temples in front of a large body of water, then it’s time for you to understand historians believe the main purpose of building Abu Simbel is to enhance the Egyptian Religion in the region. They believe when these temples are erected, southern Egyptians would appreciate it and get involved with what wonders it offers to them.
Abu Simbel and its two temples
There are two temples in the complex. The larger one is dedicated to Egypt’s three deities (Re-Herakhty, Ptah, Amen) while the smaller temple is honored to goddess Hathor. As you enter these temples, you can see Ramses’ statues all around and for you to understand, Pharaoh Ramses has over two hundred wives and concubines.
What to See in Abu Simbel?
If you have some plans of visiting the historic temple, make sure you don’t miss the following attractions. Have some time to appreciate them and take pictures to post it in your blog.
- Great sculptured rocks in the façade- Looking at this fantastic work of art can be overwhelming. You can’t stop asking yourself how those creators do it.
- The fine carved statue of a falcon in the entrance hall –Taking a picture of this falcon makes you realized you are in a place that is sacred and deserves your utmost respect.
- The Ancient Rebus – First time to see it, you’ll say two words. These “Wow” and “Great!”
- The triangular layout of the inner part of the temple – Try standing at the center of the area and you’ll realize there are rooms in the far side that are decreasing in size.
- The Smaller Temple – Meticulously made at its greatness. This temple is honored to goddess of beauty and love
- Paintings inside the smaller temple –Those paintings must be appreciated. Study it, ask questions and you can understand why they exist.
- Bears inscriptions on eastern wall in smaller temple –These inscriptions depicts the attack of Pharaoh Ramses to Re-Herakthy and Amen-Re.
- The statue of goddess Hathor – Hathor is the goddess of love and beauty and taking a picture with her is an pride.
How to get in Abu Simbel?
You can visit Abu Simbal in three different ways. If you book a flight on Egypt Air, the plane provides daily trip to Abu Simbel from Cairo and Aswan. Traveling by car is difficult because of some police security reasons. The Aswan road to Abu Simbel is only available to bus. Daily convoys are available daily and it is highly advises to foreign visitors to check their deals at Aswan Tourist Office before heading to the temple. A regular bus travel usually takes 3 hours. Embarking on a cruise allows you to travel from Aswan to Lake Nasser with a stop on Abu Simbel. This type of adventure surely gives your escapade an ace.
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